Urban hoods - N307


Subtel and flawless appearance

The Urban N307 is a built-in hood very subtle. It is integrated into the furniture and it is almost imperceptible to the eyesight. It stainless steel finish that equips it with a flawless appearance. It has a VF700 motor with 3 speeds + Booster, LED lighting (3000K), electronic control and also, its compatible with H-Connect hobs.



• Compatible with H-Connect hobs.• Silence fan VF700.• Remote control included.• Electronic control• Deferred stop (Last Time).• Filter saturation alarm.• LED lighting spotlights (3000K).

Technical information


  • 530-S/S-VF700 Internal M.


Technical design

Range Hoods - N307 - Technical design
530 - Air Outlet ø150 mm
Built-in dimensions: 510 x 280 mm. - 770 x 280 mm

Optional items